Friday, April 13, 2007

Get Your "Nappy-Headed Ho" Stuff

C Goodman

Sometime between the now infamous Don Imus comment about the Rutgers women's basketball team and his termination from both MSNBC and CBS Radio, a new cottage industry sprung up. And of course it had to happen on the Internet. Google stores have been flooded in recent days with "Nappy-Headed Ho" merchandise. There seems to be something for everyone -- well almost. From a teddy bear wearing a "Nappy-Headed Ho" t-shirt to an infant bodysuit sporting the catch-phrase of 2007, someone somewhere is probably gonna make a lot of money on Imus' mistake. The product descriptions include: "Let everyone know you're a nappy-headed ho!," "Nappy-Headed Hos for Imus," and "Show them you're a ho and you support Imus!" So the question now arises, should Imus trademark "Nappy-Headed Ho?"
Here's the link.