CBS Caves To Pressure; Fires Imus
C Goodman
Less than 24 hours after NBC's decision to drop Don Imus from its airwaves, CBS Radio followed suit. Black community leaders, including Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, met with CBS executives earlier today, demanding the company drop the talk show host. Just this morning, Imus was back on his radio show hosting a radio-thon for children's charities. During the program, there were several references to the show possibly being his last broadcast at WFAN. He and his sidekick Charles McCord even jokingly said that they needed to raise "100-million-dollars" this time because it could be their last radio-thon. Imus has been raising the money for different charities over the last 18 years. The funds go to the Tomorrows Children's Fund for kids with cancer, the CJ Foundation for SIDS and the Imus Ranch.
WFAN is reporting that Imus' wife Deidre and McCord will take over hosting duties tomorrow morning to continue raising money for the charities.
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